With Winter Almost Over A Writer Transitions

It's March 13th and we've had at least three days now in Brooklyn where the temperatures topped the 55 Degree mark. I for one am thrilled! While I haven't seen anyone in shorts yet (that will happen as soon as it hits 60 Degrees, mark my words) I am ready for the warm weather. 

While it's easy to complain about the cold weather, I will say that this winter was a very productive one for me. I wrote a new play. A one act called "The Use and Disadvantages of Leaving." I wrote a "Mindy Project " spec script ("The Emancipation of Betsy"), and an original comedy-drama pilot "Kings County." And finally, as I finished outlining the beat sheet for a feature film, "The Delusional Mrs. Pip" Aziz Ansari squeezed passed me at my favorite coffeeshop in Greenpoint, I took it as a good omen (also, welcome back to New York Aziz). 

Now that Spring is here, I'll spend a little less time behind my desk, and a little more time getting the work produced. I wish you all a happy Spring and hope you all were as equally productive. 

xo Maya